Hooters Shouldn’t Allow Kids?

During NA 262, John Dvorak offered up this clip about Hooters. Adam responded, "the girls there have no more hooters" and "it's boring and has horrible food!".

Smashing Pumpkins vs. Chemtrails


Harmony is a new book by HRH The Prince of Wales. During NA #262, Adam was impressed with some of the ideas expressed by Prince Charles in the book.

Counter Terror Business Magazine

The Security Industrial Complex is here according to Adam!

Kids Getting High on Nutmeg?

15 Year Old Tells Establishment to Stick It

During NA #260, Dvorak was impressed with this 15 year old’s speech about the recent UK student riots over the huge tuition hikes.

U.S. Air Force ID Chart

Nine times out of ten, it's swamp gas!

Challenge Coins

Play the Challenge! Get your Challenge Coins before they're all gone!

One Day in Gitmo Nation

No Agenda Producer, Scott McKenzie has just released his new novel One Day in Gitmo Nation!

Daily Source Code 854

Daily Source Code Playlist - DSC 854 - 12/3/10 - Fubar Friday Edition

Eighteen Acres

In NA 257, Adam mentioned that he started reading the Nicolle Wallace (former White House Communications Director) novel, Eighteen Acres.

The International

During a discussion (NA #257) on how banks ultimately control the world, Dvorak mentioned The International...

Reddy Kilowatt

"And from Northern Silicon Valley - the home of Reddy Kilowatt!"

Bourbon Mashed Sweet Potatoes

Dvorak was giving Adam some Thanksgiving cooking tips with this Bourbon Mashed Sweet Potato recipe from Emeril.

Mac Mini/Snow Leopard Server

Adam want to get off the cloud in a big way - what with Google selling out your data to the Feds (only $20!) he doesn't want to compromise confidential data from people that send him inside info.


This book was mentioned during several No Agenda episodes in October. This book is intriguing for it's premise that states have the right to override federal laws that they consider unconstitutional...

Soho House West Hollywood

Adam was invited to dinner at the exclusive private club, Soho House.

Science Cheerleaders!

“People tell you to ‘think out side the box’ and, I’m like, you can do more than that, you can live outside the box!” Gooooo Science! The Science is definitely IN with the Science Cheerleaders. Mentioned during NA 256 – sciencecheerleader.com


The 1928 book, Propaganda was recommended by No Agenda Producer Jamie during NA 254. Dvorak commented that author, Edward Bernays, is considered the father of modern public relations.

The Jungle

Upton Sinclair's The Jungle was mentioned by John Dvorak during NA #256. Dvorak said it's a book that everyone has to read at least once in their lifetime.