The Technological Society

During NA 356's discussion on "technocrat" leaders in Europe, John Dvorak asked that The Technological Society be added to the No Agenda Book Club.

The “Hummer” returns!

This woman exemplified the phenomenon described by John Dvorak, as the Berkeley Hummer. Women that speak with a non-stop humming sound!

Anderson’s Cell Phone Contaminated!

Oh no! Anderson Cooper found out his cellphone is contaminated with fecal strep! This is the kind of fun stuff your going to see on his new daytime talk program on CNN! From NA #349.

Among The Truthers

Adam recently (NA 349) interviewed Jonathan Kay of the National Post for his Big Book Show. Kay just came out with his book entitled Among The Truthers, “A journey through America’s growing conspiracist underground.”

Fifth Floor

Adam came up to San Francisco for a Mevio board meeting, so this meant it was time to put a meal on the expense account with his No Agenda partner, John C. Dvorak!

New York – New Jersey Meetup

The long awaited Hot Pockets 2008 tour meetup for the New York City-New Jersey has now been scheduled! Friday August 19, 7pm @ Benny Tudino's- 622 Washington Street Hoboken, New Jersey 07030

Follow the Hot Pockets 2008 Tour!

Next stop Boston! Follow the tour and see where Adam and Mickey are taking the Four Winds "Dutchess" across America!

Make Your Own Tin Foil Hat!

Hot Pockets Tour 2008 Rocks Nashville!

The Hot Pockets 2008 Tour has landed into Nashville, Tennessee. The meetup was the Big Bang Bar.

Internet In A Suitcase

A douchebag gives a talk on what the Techno Experts at the State Dept. are cooking up and he flouts a new program called Internet In A Suitcase.

Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA

Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion to September 10, 2001. Authored by Steve Cole, who now heads the New American Foundation.

Boys Town

Mentioned during NA 287 when discussing pedophilia amongst those in power in the Netherlands. This controversial 1994 documentary was produced by the BBC and was set to air on the Discovery channel in the USA, when it was pulled. This video was on Google Video was move to YouTube. Description from the site: Documentary

Lifting The Veil

Lifting the Veil from S DN on Vimeo. In NA 268, Adam Curry brought up the documentary Lifting The Veil. Adam thought it was full of the clips that they have played on No Agenda since the beginning of the podcast. The filming style is sometimes similar to Dvorak’s favorite documentary filmmaker, Adam Curtis.

Daily Source Code 863

Daily Source Code Playlist DSC 863 - 5/13/11 - FUBAR Friday BitCoin Blast Off

Follow Hot Pockets Tour 2008 Test Run

Here is a Google Map mashup that shows Adam and Micky's journey around Southern California in the Hot Pockets RV. The featured stop was at Joshua Tree National Monument.

Hot Pockets Tour 2008

Will the tour come by your house? Vote for your favorite locations at this cool website,

Unmentionable Cuisine

John C. Dvorak just recommended this book during this morning's No Agenda (NA 308). Dvorak shared that it contains recipes featuring rats and other vermin which people had to eat when times were tough.

College Conspiracy

After a No Agenda listener requested some ‘good karma’ for his student son, Adam mentinoed this documentary that is posted on YouTube. Adam went on that people are coming out to the job market with a student loan debt of 300k! Eventually these people will need to be bailed out. Our education debt is now

Obama’s High-Speed Bus Plan

Obama Replaces Costly High-Speed Rail Plan With High-Speed Bus Plan

2011 Eurovision Winner

As usual, Adam commented on this year’s Eurovision contest. This year’s winner is Ell/Nikki from Azerbaijan. Adam thought it was a terrible song.