Movies/TV Archive

The Road

Adam says this film starring Charlize Theron and Robert Duvall is fantastic! Set in a post apocalyptic world, people struggle to survive and sometimes have to resort to cannibalism!

The Manchurian Candidate

Recommended by John Dvorak during NA 391.

J. Edgar

The Eastwood directed biography of the FBI's J. Edgar Hoover was mentioned during a conversation about the FBI's expansion of power is a 'fractal' of the TSA's current grab for power.

Ghost Adventures

More horrible TV! John's been watching more bad cable TV "so you don't have to". This week he shared a clip featuring some young ghost hunters aboard the USS Hornet (now a floating museum in nearby Alameda, California).

Doomsday Preppers

Dvorak revealed this interesting cable TVshow called Doomsday Preppers!


When Dvorak started to discuss the new Spring TV shows, Adam declared his was Smash because it hits his "gay bone". Dvorak responded that it was the WHAT A PIECE OF CRAP!

Persons Of Interest

During NA 384, Dvorak brought up a new JJ Abrams TV show, Persons of Interest.It's about a former CIA agent that invented a computer program that tracks everyone in the United States and can predict terrorist crime.


During NA 381, John C. Dvorak asked that Robocop be added to the official No Agenda Movie List. It's been mentioned before but is worth mentioning again!

A Noble Lie – Oklahoma City 1995

While reading the donor list during NA 375, Adam read a message from Knight Sir Justin Sates of Pittsburgh, who wanted to thank Adam for explaining the Thick Whois system and also wanted to recommend that NA listeners check out the documentary, A Noble Lie.


Featured in Dvorak's Hollywood Insider/Entertainment Tonight segment, was the human head found in the Hollywood hills under the famous Hollywood sign.

The Borgias

Adam has a glowing review of The Borgias, which takes place in 1492 and dramatizes the characters and events surrounding Cardinal Borgia's take over of the papacy.

Bigger, Stronger, Faster

Recommended by Dvorak in NA #294; Bigger, Stronger, Faster, a documentary about steroid use by athletes.

Confessions of a Dangerous Mind

Dvorak was tracing back to the beginning of George Clooney's interest in spy intrigue movies and thought it was Confessions of a Dangerous Mind.

Wag The Dog

During NA 282, Adam said he was trying to find this movie on Netflix but it wasn't available! Maybe it was pulled because it is 'too close to home!'

The Ground Truth

During NA #278, Adam described how he recently watched the excellent documentary, Ground Truth as well as meeting the films producer.

Inside Job

According to Adam, "Inside Job - it's what No Agenda has been telling me for over three years!"

Top Movies of No Agenda

Adam and John tried to list a bunch of 'required viewing' videos for fans of the No Agenda show. Some we've covered before, but here they are!

Starsuckers Documentary

A fantastic video documentary that covers our obsession with fame and its exponential growth.

The International

During a discussion (NA #257) on how banks ultimately control the world, Dvorak mentioned The International...

American Gangster

During NA 254, John Dvorak shared how his DVR was busy this week recording a national security wonkfest (Spook Groupies!) from CSPAN.