Tip of the Day: NFL Network’s ‘Football Live’ is Cheaper than NFL RedZone

This is a bit of a confusing tip as I can’t find any show called “NFL Football LIVE” listed on the NFL Network so we’ll have to take JCD’s work that this is available. Apparently, if you subscribe to YouTube TV, NFL Network is an included channel and this show (or feature) will give you nice highlight summaries of games. This is compared to NFL Red Zone, which costs another $10.99 to your YouTube TV package price.
John C Dvorak: I have, I have, actually two tips again, one general tip, but one tip for a very select portion of the audience. If you get have Google TV,
Adam Curry: Google YouTube TV ?
John C Dvorak: Google I mean, sorry, YouTube TV, I don’t know. I always say that, and if you type in Google TV, get some other thing. Yeah, it’s different. It’s no good.
Adam Curry: No, it sucks.
John C Dvorak: There used to be a thing for NFL viewers, it’s for people who like watching football. There’s a thing called the Red Zone, which is a terrific, but you have to pay for it as terrific summary site. You don’t watch any football games. Just watch this in real time. It tells you what’s going on. But if you go to turn to the NFL networks, they have this thing like football today live, they have the during the set, during the football games on Sunday. Go to this, it’s a clone. It’s a clone. It’s a cheap clone of the Red Zone. And it’s just, it’s actually maybe better, because there’s more than one guy doing it. I’m just a tip for you football viewers.
Adam Curry: Is it cheaper? Or was free? It’s free?
John C Dvorak: Yeah, it’s free. If you got YouTube TV, you get the NFL Network free, and you just, you got it, you can watch this instead, and it doesn’t cost you anything. So anyway, it’s just kind of a good ball, guys.
Adam Curry: Good tip. Good tip!
[No Agenda #1705]