01 Sep 2012
The Postman
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Dvorak read a donors note recommending the 1997 film The Postman starring Kevin Costner. It’s a post apocalyptic movie set in 2013 where the main character becomes a postman to blend in. Coincidentally, John just watched it and reported it was very corny. The donor thought there’s a conspiracy because it’s been remove from the Canadian iTunes the past year.
The episode of No Agenda (NA 440) John said he watched the film and called it the “Worse piece of crap!” Dvorak even suggested that the producer that sent the tip should possibly be de-knighted!
Though Dvorak thought the rewrite of the Postman’s oath as particularly funny.
The book was great. If you read the book first you will like the movie a lot better because it will kind of wind down the loss of finishing the book.