
Adam invented a new software defined radio gadget called the PrepperSDR. During NA 494 he announced he’s completed a demo unit comprised of a black box that you screw an antenna into and a power supply, then connect it to your computer system via wifi or the internet. Adam boasts that he can do 2000 miles with it using just one watt of transmission power! Adam thinks he can get it into produce them for $399. You can use voice over with it as it uses sideband mode. You’ll need a ham license to transmit but not to receive signals. “You’ll want this thing in your bunker!”

[update from NA 497]

Adam now states says there’s going to be a Prepper CW and that the outside of the form factor will be finished in a metallic red glaze similar to an AGA Cooker “euro” stove!  Earlier listeners to the No Agenda podcast might recognize AGA as one of the earlier topics that was brought up back when Adam lived in the UK.

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