God Delusion

Dvorak mentioned this book while discussing The World Turned Upside Down during No Agenda #212.

Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy

Mentioned during No Agenda #212.


Dvorak saw the author have a whacky interview on the June 25th, 2010 episode of Colbert Report.

Gold Toe Socks [cashmere edition]

Dvorak loves Gold Toe socks and he found this special cashmere version. Unfortunately the cashmere version falls apart quickly.

Deliberate Dumbing Down of America

Get it at Barnes & Noble

Fat China

This book examines the reasons behind the growth in obesity in China, and explores the long term effects on China's social development, economy and healthcare systems.

Little Brother

Recommended by Jim Lunsford of the NoAgendaForums.com. Cory Doctorow has been a guest on TWiT and mentioned on No Agenda.

G20 Protests in Toronto

Here is some video shot by eugenefm and posted on NoAgendaForums.com. It shows the riot police marching on the protesters at the G20 Summit in Toronto.

What Happened to Our Dream of Freedom

The Trap: What Happened to Our Dream of Freedom is a BBC documentary series by English filmmaker Adam Curtis

Dvorak on CNBC – Can Google Be Derailed?

From November 2007! Can Google be derailed? Google was selling at $709 - now it's$472!

Dvorak on CNBC – Kindle

Adam requested we find some of Dvorak's appearances on CNBC. Here is one from last year...

tech5 – June 25, 2010

John thinks there is too much porn and if you see Jason Bateman - boo him.

Daily Source Code #836

No Agenda Art

Hats off to Paul T. for this week's hilarious (and brilliant) artwork! He created a literal portrayal of General McChrystal as Tigger in front of a poppy covered hillside in Afghanistan.

The Art of Seduction

Adam and Micky recently had dinner with author, Robert Greene.

The Fix: Soccer and Organized Crime

Brought up by Adam due to the recent World Cup fever. Author Declan HIll writes about effect organized crime's has on the soccer world by "Asian match fixing criminals".

The World Turned Upside Down

Philips believes we are in an age of Cultural Totalitarianism. During No Agenda #211, Dvorak described her as a ponderous British woman that was on C-SPAN recently.

Cliveden House

Dining here earns the Living Large prize! During the Christmas holiday in 2007, Adam's family dined at London's super expensive, Cliveden House.

Best In Show

Dvorak thought Best In Show was hilarious. John has been discussing comics lately and he wanted to point out Fred Williard.

The Last Chase

While discussing Waterworld, Dvorak described a sci-fi film about a guy going across the US in his sports car stealing what little fuel he can find...