Body Scanners in Gitmo Great White North

During NA #219, Adam discussed that Canada is doing it's part and is installing electro-magnetic body scanners at the Saskatoon airport.

tech5 – July 22nd, 2010

Microsoft making nothing but money. Stock languishes. AT&T making money thanks to Apple, and more...

NSA Echelon Site SF

Inside this building, the EFF claims that there is a splitter so all the data traffic can flow to Room 641A where it can be monitored by NSA's Echelon monitoring system.

tech5 – July 19th, 2010

Over 800 stories about the friggin’ antenna. Windows shell has a huge messed up vulnerability.

Old Holborn

During the recent edition of Daily Source code (#839), Adam was delighted that he received a love package from Mr. Oil containing Old Holborn rolling tobacco

Enron:The Smartest Guys In The Room

Dvorak recommended The Smartest Guys In The Room on book or DVD during NA #35

Isn’t It Time? – The Babys

classic from 1977 featured on the recent edition of Daily Source Code #839.

Cocaine Cowboys

Dvorak mentioned this docudrama in NA #218 while discussing Florida banks that were laundering drug money.

tech5 – July 16th, 2010

iPhone 4 news dominating things because of the antenna. Free bumpers for everyone. The phone still has connection issues.

Snakes in Suits

Dvorak mentioned this book while he was discussing author Robert D. Hare's other book, Without Conscience.


Must have been a great poppy harvest this year! A viewer wrote in from a drug detox facility, to report that they've had a huge upswing of heroin de-toxers coming in for help.

Parents Beware! I-Dosing

“This is scary, definetely scary – one more thing to look out for!” As a result, Mustang Schools, is cracking down on use of cell phones and other kinds of technology! Good thing the faculty is so vigilant. Remember parents, you can’t let your guard down at all.

Digital Drugs!

; OMG! It’s Digital Drugs! The latest thing for parents to be totally freaked out about. The Huffington Post has a story about News9’s [Kansas] scary story that makes us wonder who planted this pile of BS? No Agenda just covered this phenomena during today’s episode #217. The Onion couldn’t write a funnier story.

Is Mel Gibson on Chantix?

In today's episode of No Agenda, Adam hypothesized that Mel Gibson's crazy phone call might have been the result of taking Chantix to quit smoking.

Tech Grouch – Ep. 16

Cranky Geeks 227

This weeks episode features the cutest ‘tech girl’ ever. What’s with the awful audio Mevio?

tech5 – July 12th, 2010

US Senator worried about doomsday and other stories!

Adam Curtis-Richard Nixon

Dvorak mentioned Adam Curtis’ documentaries on Richard Nixon, journailism, government and elitism. A thought provoking documentary!

Without Conscience

A Dvorak pick during No Agenda #216.

The Hills Have Thighs

A Dvorak ‘Great Moments in Acting’ pick – he said it’s the beginning of a meme based on ‘porn logic’. The film is the Skinamax flick, The Hills Have Thighs.