02 Aug 2010
Pyramid Brewery & Alehouse
Oh no! One of the Dvorak's didn't have the right 'papers' to get a drink here!
31 Jul 2010
tech5 – July 30th, 2010
Ballmer in the news yakking about the MSFT pad. Kindle expensive to make. Probably losing money on the device.
29 Jul 2010
Anthony’s – SeaTac
While leaving Seattle, Dvorak stopped here for breakfast. His review during NA 38: Don't eat breakfast at Anthony's at the SeaTac airport! Uuuggh - horrible!
29 Jul 2010
Acme Duck Call
Dvorak's been entertaining us recently with his Acme Duck Call. Well, if it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck...
29 Jul 2010
While Adam was discussing his high water bill at the Hilltop Watchtower Crackpot Command Center (Hollywood Hills), Dvorak mentioned that it's all part of a scam and you should watch Chinatown...
29 Jul 2010
Brave New World
Adam mentioned that this book better depicts where we're heading as a society compared to 1984.
29 Jul 2010
The Wild West of the Internet!
Oh no! Those whacky bloggers can say whatever they want! Expert proposes 'gatekeepers' but that darn 1st Amendment is in the way once again!
29 Jul 2010
Soylent Green
Dvorak has recommended this seminal film during the last two episodes of No Agenda as a thought provoking film with a dystopian future.
29 Jul 2010
Crazy Horses
The Osmonds – Crazy Horses Adam played this during his 4th of July/Freedom Edition of the DSC. I never knew The Osmonds did a song like this one!
28 Jul 2010
Rain – The Official No Agenda Vodka
John Dvorak wanted us to make note of the new, official No Agenda Vodka, Rain! It comes from New Orleans' famous Sazerac distillery.
28 Jul 2010
Juan Gil Monastrell
John Dvorak passed sent out this wine tip to @neoEdward who asked about a good red wine.
26 Jul 2010
Le Club 55
During NA #38, Adam talked about how he and his wife were spending July 2008 hobnobbing around the South of France.
26 Jul 2010
Ron Paul: True Unemployment Numbers
07/14/2010 - http://www.RonPaul.com
Ron Paul tells the Joint Economic Committee that the people can handle the truth about unemployment and inflation numbers.
25 Jul 2010
Adam and John's favorite lunch place in SF. It's a couple blocks west of the Mevio offices.
25 Jul 2010
Dvorak just watched Twilight with his kids. Metaphors for Modern Business, JC, John's son thought it was a metaphors for drug use!