Video Archive
17 Apr 2011
Bigger, Stronger, Faster
Recommended by Dvorak in NA #294; Bigger, Stronger, Faster, a documentary about steroid use by athletes.
31 Mar 2011
Vodka Tampons on The Doctors
Holy moly! Is this for real? “We’re trying to teach our kids creativity, but not like this!”
15 Mar 2011
Women Kiss Russian Policewomen
From RT comes this interesting story about an art groups kissing of female Russian police officers!
15 Mar 2011
Keep it Wet, Keep it Lubricated
Learn how to make a lovely handle on your mug! Dvorak pulled this funny clip for NA 282.
03 Jan 2011
100 Orgasms a Day!
What if you had to have constant orgasms to function? Supposedly, Chantix, the beleaguered and controversial nicotine weaning drug, might help you out!
27 Dec 2010
American Greed
During NA #264, Dvorak mentioned this episode of CNBC’s American Greed which featured the story on how Health South cooked their books in order to create the illusion that they were doing better than they really were. What revenue the company did take in, they paid to the IRS in taxes so they could further
22 Dec 2010
Fed Reveals Who Got Money For Nothing
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Surprises From Bernanke’s Forced Disclosure! Adam likes Dylan Ratigan of MSNBC (used to be on CNBC). He often discusses the problems and fraud being perpetrated by the Federal Reserve with the bank bailouts and Quantitative Easing. Here Ratigan interviews author Chris Whalen.
20 Dec 2010
Hooters Shouldn’t Allow Kids?
During NA 262, John Dvorak offered up this clip about Hooters. Adam responded, "the girls there have no more hooters" and "it's boring and has horrible food!".
14 Dec 2010
15 Year Old Tells Establishment to Stick It
During NA #260, Dvorak was impressed with this 15 year old’s speech about the recent UK student riots over the huge tuition hikes.
28 Nov 2010
Science Cheerleaders!
“People tell you to ‘think out side the box’ and, I’m like, you can do more than that, you can live outside the box!” Gooooo Science! The Science is definitely IN with the Science Cheerleaders. Mentioned during NA 256 –
06 Nov 2010
Paris 1919
Adam took John's recommendation and watched Paris 1919 on the Military Channel.