Video Archive
25 Jun 2012
Call To Duty: Black Ops 2
Super lifelike video game that features a story of unmanned vehicles and robots taking control! This game seems to use Adam’s thesis of a computer virus that makes a drone go haywire!
25 Jun 2012
Phantom Eye Drone
Phantom Eye is a liquid hydrogen powered, pilotless drone that can cruise at 65,000 ft and stay aloft for over four days!
24 Mar 2012
Jason Russell Meltdown
Jason Russell, the leader of Invisible Children and producer of the infamous KONY 2012 video goes 5150 in front of cameras.
11 Mar 2012
Doomsday Preppers
Dvorak revealed this interesting cable TVshow called Doomsday Preppers!
10 Mar 2012
Countdown To Looking Glass
Adam played this clip submitted by Producer Art Larson during NA 387. The 1984 Candadian produced mockumentary portrays a nuclear crisis scenario between the USA and USSR. Newt Gingrich is featured in one segment which Adam played.
12 Dec 2011
Vegan Strip Club in PDX
Dvorak discussed Portland’s latest strip club, Casa Diablo which features vegan food. Portland is awesome for many reasons but having the most strippers per capita is one of them! Most of the strip clubs are affordable and are everywhere, unlike the high priced ones in the SF Bay Area. Plus, the girls can get completely
06 Nov 2011
The “Hummer” returns!
This woman exemplified the phenomenon described by John Dvorak, as the Berkeley Hummer. Women that speak with a non-stop humming sound!
23 Oct 2011
Anderson’s Cell Phone Contaminated!
Oh no! Anderson Cooper found out his cellphone is contaminated with fecal strep! This is the kind of fun stuff your going to see on his new daytime talk program on CNN! From NA #349.
25 Jul 2011
Boys Town
Mentioned during NA 287 when discussing pedophilia amongst those in power in the Netherlands. This controversial 1994 documentary was produced by the BBC and was set to air on the Discovery channel in the USA, when it was pulled. This video was on Google Video was move to YouTube. Description from the site: Documentary
24 Jul 2011
Lifting The Veil
Lifting the Veil from S DN on Vimeo. In NA 268, Adam Curry brought up the documentary Lifting The Veil. Adam thought it was full of the clips that they have played on No Agenda since the beginning of the podcast. The filming style is sometimes similar to Dvorak’s favorite documentary filmmaker, Adam Curtis.
28 May 2011
College Conspiracy
After a No Agenda listener requested some ‘good karma’ for his student son, Adam mentinoed this documentary that is posted on YouTube. Adam went on that people are coming out to the job market with a student loan debt of 300k! Eventually these people will need to be bailed out. Our education debt is now
28 May 2011
Obama’s High-Speed Bus Plan
Obama Replaces Costly High-Speed Rail Plan With High-Speed Bus Plan
26 May 2011
2011 Eurovision Winner
As usual, Adam commented on this year’s Eurovision contest. This year’s winner is Ell/Nikki from Azerbaijan. Adam thought it was a terrible song.
26 Apr 2011
YouTube Copyright School
The cartoon characters of Happy Tree Friends were enlisted to make this instructional video to help instruct YouTube users the ins and outs of Copyright law and what is appropriate to post on YouTube. While playing the clip during NA 269, Adam sighed, “How sad is that!” He was in danger of going into a