News Archive

Mercy Me

Adam mentioned that three knights of the No Agenda Show are in a band called Mercy Me and invited John Dvorak to come as their guest to their nearby Oakland Coliseum show. Somehow, John didn’t get the memo and missed out on the show and hanging out with the band backstage. Oh well! Mercy Me

Tip of the Day: Treat Minor Burns with a Potato

Adam admits this is more like a Sub-Tip, but he shared that his Irish grandmother used a raw potato to treat young Adam’s kitchen burns. Adam Curry: My grandmother was in the kitchen. She was from Ireland, knew lots of tricks. When I burnt my hand, she immediately pulled out a regular potato from the

The Bear

Adam loves The Bear on Hulu. It’s a drama about a Michelin star chef that has to takeover his brother’s Italian Beef sandwich shop in Chicago. [NA1567 1:12]

Adam says he’s loving it! Try, the “AI” search engine for the No Agenda podcast. A cool project by Sir Deanonymous that searches clips, transcripts and articles used in No Agenda. It even pulls in the episodes artwork along with the search results. [NA1564:1:56]

Wireless Wars

While discussing Bill Gates recent meetup with China’s Xi Jinping, Dvorak played a clip featuring an analysts view on the Chinese leaders hierarchy of relationships with American tech leaders. The analyst was Wireless Wars author, Jon Nelson. Check out the book on Amazon. [NA1565 1:04]

NBC Suspends Reporter After Pelosi Report Removed

John and Adam were talking about the attack on Paul Pelosi in the Pelosi’s Pacific Heights mansion. Now, an NBC Reporter, Miguel Almaguer was suspended and NBC retracted its story on the Pelosi attack. The NBC report seems quite different than the popular reported narrative of the event: “later report was Almaguer on the street

Is NPR Running Native Ads for Taco Bell’s Mexican Pizza?

NPR did a piece on Taco Bell reviving an old menu item, the Mexican Pizza. In NPR’s story, they interviewed a woman, Rima Parikh, who has the most over-the-top valley girl accent. Every sentence seems to end with an up-talk phrasing that makes it seem like a question. The story’s slant has an interesting narrative

Is the Mystery Tower in Milford, Texas a Tesla Tower?

While discussing why there hasn’t been as much ‘Second Half of Show’ material recently, John Dvorak mentioned the mysterious Tesla tower in Texas (not to be confused with Austin’s famous Moontowers).

No Agenda Meetup Heads to Las Vegas – “It’s Like a Party!”

Mark your calendars for the evening of Oct. 13, 6 – 8:00 p.m. As of the Oct. 8 show, Adam reports there are 58 RSVPs and that he and The Keeper will be there!

True Crime Podcast: Melanie McGuire “The Suitcase Killer”

Eighteen months ago, No Agenda Show producer Sir Jimmy V. from Jersey City, NJ contacted No Agenda to tell them about a true crime podcast created by himself and his girlfriend, in which they interview Melanie McGuire AKA “Suitcase Killer”.

Brand Safe

Every now and then, we deviate from posting about No Agenda’s TV Shows, Movies and food news to feature a great No Agenda discussion. This time Adam presented a terrific talk on his theory why media companies like YouTube and Twitter de-platform creators – not necessarily because of their conservative or far-right views, but for

Shoutout for No Agenda Entertainment

During show #1063, Adam and John were talking about the newsletter and how that platform, run by MailChimp, could turned off on a whim. This would then necessitate moving to a different email solution. This got Adam thinking of all the wonderful platforms, apps and projects run by No Agenda Producers which extend the show.

Jordan Peterson – 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos

According to Adam, Jordan Peterson, is a professor that has big mouth! Peterson now has a book out and Adam wishes John would do an interview with him. Currently a lot of attention has been give to Peterson’s interview by Channel 4 (UK) SJW reporter, Kathy Newman. She constantly tries to re-characterize or misstate what

Train Museum Meetup Details

During NA 953, John Dvorak disclosed the details of the big meetup at Sacramento’s California State Railroad Museum. Meetup at the train museum on Saturday, August 12th. John will be taking the California Zephyr at 9:10am from  Emeryville stations and will arrive around 11:00 am. Then there’s space for 20 people to ride in a

Diamond and Silk

Diamond and Silk are two fast talking video blogging ladies. Adam likes playing their clips like this recent one. They were pro-Trump early in the primaries and have been featured on many MSM interviews. Their delivery reminds me of SF Bay Area cartoon host legends, Charlie & Humphrey!

All Aboard! Meetup at the California Train Museum

****UPDATE*** Date of meetup changed to Saturday, August 12. More details to follow when Dvorak posts them. **************** Trains Good, Planes Bad… For many years, John C. Dvorak has been threatening to host a meetup at Sacramento’s California State Railroad Museum. This has gone unfulfilled for song long (like his vinegar book idea) that we


“Oxytocin promotes pro-social behavior”, “grooviest hormone on earth!” says an expert. John Dvorak described it, “Idea is you take a little nasal inhalant, you meetup with someone and you fall in love – at least your amenable, or at least you can put up with each other” Get it on Amazon! [931 :19]    

No Agenda News Hottie: Helena Humphrey

You can now add Deutsche Welle’s Helena Humphrey to the pantheon of favorite No Agenda News presenters. During episode 913 Dvorak played a clip and he remarked at the beautiful German Helena with goth style makeup on Deutsche Welle. In one clip he remarked about her butt. After going through the website we figured out

Santa Clarita Diet

Adam recommends Santa Clarita Diet on Netflix. He joked that it features Drew Barrymore as a cannibal zombie. [NA 911 2:51]

No Agenda Ringtones and Sound Clips

Show Producer, Phoneboy has put together a great collection of soundboard, jingles audio clips from the No Agenda show. They’re in .Mp3 and M4r (iPhone). Now imagine, every time a friend texts you douchebag… gets played! Get them here: