Movies/TV Archive

The Postman

Dvorak read a donors note recommending the 1997 film The Postman starring Kevin Costner. It's a post apocalyptic movie set in 2013 where the main character becomes a postman to blend in.

Cannibal Holocaust

Cannibal Holocaust is an infamous Italian horror movie. The director was arrested for making snuff film, but it turned out the actors signed a contract to disappear after filming to give the illusion they were actually killed in the movie.

Person of Interest

During a discussion on NSA spying of the US public, Dvorak brought up one of his favorite one-liners which came from a geek character that invents a spy system on the CBS TV show Person of Interest. This character went on to reveal they invented Facebook and Foursquare in order to track people.

The Program – Stellar Wind

Documentary featuring NSA whistleblower William Binney. Covers NSA's project Stellar Wind - a project that domestically spys on Americans with advanced programs.

Hit & Run

During NA 438, Adam brought up the movie comedy, Hit & Run. It looks like a dumbo fun movie, but blatantly embedded in the dialog is a promotion for getting vaccinated for HPV.

For Greater Glory

Viva Cristero Rey! Adam brought up Viva Cristero Rey as a new slogan for referencing douchebags in the government. The term comes from the 1920's Cristero War that took place in Mexico. Adam further explained it translated to, "hit'em in the mouth!"

Breaking Bad

Adam just started getting into AMC TV's Breaking Bad. He described devouring the first three seasons from Netflix - sometimes staying up to 3 am watching episodes.


During NA 422 Adam emphatically recommended the documentary Catastroika which is about the sell-off of Greek public assets so they could  pay off their enormous debts.

Abby Martin

Abby Martin is newsreader for RT (Russia Today). She's a hottie but, Adam and John believe her Teleprompter reading skills could use some work.

Priyanka Chopra

During NA 421 Dvorak brought up a soundbite to inspire Indian donors featuring the beautiful Indian actress Priyanka Chopra.

The Gate

During NA 422, Adam brought up the sci-fi film short The Gate. The film looks at the possibility of humans redundant genome becoming re-activated. You can watch the short here.

The Net: The Unabomber, LSD and the Internet

The Net is a German documentary about Ted Kaczynski, better known as the Unabomber. Adam said it was recommended he watch it then he was compelled to read Kazinsky's infamous manifesto.


  AMC TV Series Rubicon [NA 408] John C. Dvorak mentioned Rubicon again during NA 430. This was during a  discussion on the possibilities of the USS Enterprise being used as the target of a false flag attack in the Straits of Hormuz before it’s decommissioned! During NA 431, a producer was complaining that Rubicon

Wag the Dog

During NA 408 Adam reminded the audience what a good movie Wag the Dog is. He played a clip where Dustin Hoffman's character predicted our current situation of wars agains a small unseen enemy that can't be obviously seen by a spy satellite.

Osterman Weekend

Mentioned by Dvorak during NA 406 after a donations was made by someone named Osterman.

Midnight In Paris

A great movie that features Owen Wilson. Dvorak brought this up during NA 404 during a discussion on the crackdown on coffee shops in Amsterdam selling product to tourists.

Albert Nobbs

"Outstanding movie!" exclaimed Adam after watching Albert Nobbs with his fiancé Micky. Glenn Close's acting was terrific but no one will watch the movie...

The Lady

Hilary Clinton said,"It was a moving experience for me and I think it will be for you." after she watched The Lady while on her way to Myanmar to visit the democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi.

God Bless America

Bobcat Goldthwait has produced a new Internet release movie called God Bless America and Adam's excited about it!

To Kill a Mockingbird

President Obama is now doing film intros for the anniversary of To Kill a Mockingbird, starring Gregory Peck.