Movies/TV Archive

Meet the Press

During NA525, Dvorak played a clip from Washington insider show, Meet the Press featuring David "Chip" Gregory, which Dvorak thought revealed him as a "horrible, horrible person" and "spokeshole for the government".

Pandora’s Promise

Adam and Micky visited their local Austin cineplex to see the pro-nuke film, Pandora's Promise. The theater was practically empty - apparently the crowds outside were there to see Paris Hilton's new film, The Bling Ring!

Come Giggle With Me

Adam's former Big App Show colleague, Kevin the Blade, has a new project called Come Giggle With Me. It's a reality cooking show featuring people stoned on marijuana. The show is seeking funding via IndieGoGo, take a look!

Top Secret America

John Dvorak played clips from this PBS Frontline episode. He highly recommends to all listeners to No Agenda. [NA 517]

Sons of Anarchy

John Dvorak brought up more drama concerning the US Justice Department's Fast & Furious campaign. It's now being revealed that the feds built up the Sinaloa cartel so it can kill of the other Mexican cartels - leaving only one cartel to monitor.


John Dvorak brought up the TV show Castle (ABC TV) because it's recent episode contained propaganda that made it seem OK to have surveillance drones over New York City.

Sirius Scam

During a donation break Adam and John reminded the listeners that they're not competing with the seed sellers (reference to Alex Jones crisis seed bank advertisers) of Conspiracy Inc., but with the movie industry where you spend $50 with one other family member and $10 bucket of popcorn. Adam added the Sirius documentary which features

Cloud Atlas

In NA 501 Adam started a discussion about the San Onofre nuclear reactor and the movie Cloud Atlas which may fortel what will happen when this older nuclear reactor is re-activated.

Seconds To Spare

An Australian produced film that was shared by John Dvorak in NA 498. He played some "bad acting" clips from this production.

Up in the Air

In this film, George Clooney portrays a corporate downsizer that travels continuously for his job. The film reveals the collateral damage from corporate America's preference for the bottom line than the laid off employees and their families.

The American

A great Clooney film in which he portrays a master assassin hiding out in the Italian countryside. Great thrills and beautiful scenery and co-stars.


During the flury of George Clooney movies listed in NA 496, Syriana is one of the most worthy mentions for No Agenda fans. This movie has CIA agents, Middle Eastern oil barons, weapon deals and Drones!

The Men Who Stare at Goats

During NA496 George Clooney's suspected CIA involvement came up again. This time The Men Who Stare at Goats was mentioned. This film is about a character that claims to be part of the U.S. Army's New Earth Army, a unit that employed paranormal powers in their missions.

United States of Bacon

During NA 490 John Dvorak was raving about The United States of Bacon on the Destination America network.

Michael Clayton

During a discussion of CIA operatives embedded in Hollywood, Dvorak highly recommended the George Clooney film, Michael Clayton. He described it as a great, riveting film about a fixer that works for a law firm.


Dvorak brought up the goth girl character of NCIS because she carries around a 32 oz Big Gulp.


The old hit TV series Dallas has been rebooted and is being taped again. During NA 495 Adam's announced his wife Micky is now auditioning for a co-starring role.


"Fisting and Drinking in the Halls of the God!" Well, that was what Dvorak thought the characters of the Vikings were saying. Vikings is a new drama on the History Channel.

House of Cards

Adam thinks Kevin Spacey depiction of a pathological congressional majority whip is an very interesting and House of Cards is well written and produced. This is show depicts Washington DC, with the back room deal making which you aren't going to see from the compromised networks like Sorkin's The Newsroom.

Olympus Has Fallen – White House Down

Olympus Has Fallen and White House Down are two new thriller movies that share a similar premise of the White House being attacked by terrorists. Olympus Has Fallen stars Gerard Butler (300 & Chasing Mavericks). Adam mentioned them up during NA 491 and said he was “frightened that we have movies working towards the future to make us