Tip of the Day: Thai Chiles from the Hmong Farmers
One of John C. Dvorak’s pastimes is visiting the Hmong Farmer’s market. There’s much better deals than the bougie farm-to-table type. I’d often visit the farmer’s market in Oakland’s Old Town. Many Hmong farmers were represented and I’d bag terrific bargains during the last hour the market was open. Most of the food is organically grown, just not certified. This tip focuses on the hot Thai Chilies.
John C. Dvorak: “These are tips, so they’re short and sweet. Here’s another foodie tip: I buy hot chilies from the Hmong at the farmer’s market, usually on Saturdays. They have varying heat levels, but the Thai chilies they grow are small and thin-skinned, unlike meaty chilies like jalapeños, which are much meatier. Serrano peppers are also pretty meaty.
But these thin-skinned Thai chilies? You can buy them, and even though they’re often expensive, they will last forever if you freeze them. Seriously, you can freeze them and they’ll stay good for decades.”
Adam Curry: “Have you tested this yourself?”
John C. Dvorak: “Oh yeah, I’ve got some that are five years old.”
Adam Curry: “I want you to eat one on the next show. I want to hear how it goes.”
John C. Dvorak: “No, you throw them in sauces or something. You don’t eat them straight.”
Unknown: “For decades? So in 10 years, Tina will be like, ‘What is this thing here?’”
[No Agenda #1700]