Tip of the Day: Uncut Currency Sheets

Uncut currency sheet

Not an official Tip of the Day, but John Dvorak has often mentioned that you can purchase U.S. currency in uncut sheets which you can cut off use as you wish. These are available from the U.S. Mint. A show producer wrote in and told a story from his father and how one of his favorite gags is to glue them into pads which you can peel off to pay debts.

Adam Curry (reading Producer note): His stepfather worked for a paper company back in the 50s and would bring a stack of new bills into the factory to have them bound into a pad. Not sure the denomination, but he enjoyed being presented with a tab, a bill for dinner, pulling the pad from his vest pocket and peeling sequentially numbered bills off one at a time to pay the server. Hilarity ensued!
I commend you for dreaming up with this gag on the fly. It’s still funny after 20 years, he says.

John Dvorak: Which brings me to a topper gag that some people have done. You can get ahold of the Treasury Department and buy full sheets of 20s or ones.

Adam Curry: Really?

John Dvorak: You can buy a full sheet uncut.

Adam Curry: You can cut them yourself?

and you can cut them in front of someone. And hand them the money.

Adam Curry: Is this really true?

John Dvorak: You can still. Yes, you can get full uncut sheets of dollars, fives, tens and 20s. Yes!

[No Agenda Show #1710]

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