14 Oct 2024
Tip of the Day: Test Prep for Ham Radio License with AARL.org

Adam Curry says he gets asked what kind of ham radio to get and he tells them, first you need a license!
Instead of reading one of the many fat books out there on ham radio, you should head over to AARL.org (The National Association of Amateur Radio) and take their practice tests. These are exact same questions that will be on the exam you take for your ham radio license. You can keep taking these practice tests until you comfortably pass, then schedule the real test, usually administered by local hams in your area. We actually used a similar practice test using HamExam.org to prep for our Technicians license.
[No Agenda #1701]
Roger that…
The test is easy as Adam says. You can memorize it pretty quickly even if you don’t understand it. After a week of practicing at home, I took the test and got all but one wrong. Then buy a Beafang HAM radio to get comfortable talking to people in organized “nets”. You can then get to meet local people, and most Elmers (Guys that are deep into HAM) are super nice and willing to sell gear very cheap to help new people on the air. Start at the bottom and grow into the hobby. Don’t look over all the fantastic gear and antenna and start to dream about how you will talk to Russia just yet without figuring out how to speak to someone +40 miles away with only 5w of FM power.
I have purchased and had a radio repaired by a couple local guys and all it cost me was a $50 check that i dont think was ever cashed, and another local guy i found has a ton of extra tower mast stuff that i am welcome to buy for a penny on the dollar new when i am ready to get that far.