Tip of the Day: Instant Umami with Red Boat Fish Sauce

John enjoys getting instant umami in his dishes – from meat dishes to spaghetti, by using Fish Sauce. He recommends starting with Red Boat brand.

John C. Dvorak: I got a culinary tip, which I’ve been
sitting on for a while and boy, that hurts. And this is a product that is used in Southeast Asian cooking. And I’ve gotten to a discussion with JC about it. He claims that this is originally a condiment or flavoring ingredient that came from the Romans and then got to somehow got to China, where then it was changed over time to the Southeast Asia, where they make it all over the place.

It’s called, and it’s got a, I don’t think the name’s appropriate, but it’s called fish sauce, fish sauce. Now you can find it, you can get it on Amazon.

There’s a bunch of brands. There’s in fact, there’s more brands than you can imagine. I would recommend people start with Red Boat, which was a fairly new fish sauce maker, but he does it the right way. It’s fish sauce is made from black anchovies that have been fermented in salt for one year in a barrel.

And as with French cooking, sometimes you use anchovies like they’re used in Caesar salads and you’re taking, they’re always salt and you scrape it off and you mix it into different sauces. This accomplishes the same thing. A couple of things you should know.

One, it doesn’t taste like fish. And, I would recommend getting Red Boat, which is done by, which is a new company, fairly new company developed by an Apple engineer who is Vietnamese.

Shop Red Boat Fish Sauce on Amazon.

[No Agenda #1715]

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