Tip of the Day: Goya Adobo Seasoning – This Stuff is Amazing!

John C. Dvorak is ecstatic over Goya Adobo Seasoning! He explains,
“Get the plain adobo, and you put it on steaks, you put it on chicken, you can put it in your salad, you can put it anywhere. This stuff is amazing. And here’s the kicker, unlike a lot of these spice blends, there’s absolutely not a trace of anything that relates to wheat.”
He adds:
Adobo from Goya and get the big, giant thing of It, adobo seasoning. Adobo seasonings, a Mexican seasoning that Goya (big Trump supporter, by the way*), Goya makes and the one you want is either the plain one with nothing added to it, or the one that has pepper in it. Those are the two. If you go to the Goya website, the adobo page will show you all kinds of screwy ones I have never seen. I shop in giant Mexican mercados (supermarkets).
Pick up these seasonings at Amazon!
*Goya also heavily advertises on conservative-leaning WABC 77 in New York City. One of the last bastions of quality talk radio and news.