Tip of the Day: Glencairn Whiskey Glass – The Official Whiskey Glass

Glen Cairn Whiskey Glass

It’s always great to have the appropriate glass to drink your beverage, especially with alcoholic beverages. John Dvorak has this great tip of these gorgeous Glencairn Whiskey Glasses to sip your fine single malt, or any other kind of scotch whiskey.

Shop for the Glencairn glass on Amazon!

John: In this case, we’re going to discuss the Glencairn scotch whiskey glass, which is the glass you everyone should have a set of.

Adam: Oh, I have this one. I think I have this one.

John: You have a Glencairn glass?

Adam: I think so, it’s a tiny glass,

John: not that tiny well…

Adam: and it has kind of like a bulb and then pffft up at the top,

John: well, here, look it up, just look up Glencairn, but if you want to go to glencairnwhiskeyglass.com to find one of the vendors, Glen Cairn is spelled G L E N C A I R N,

Adam: yes, this is the one I have. I have one, yes, I have a set.

John: You have a set.

Adam: I have two.

John: Well, they’re designed for

Adam: it came with the bottle, I believe!

John: I came with the bottle!

Adam: Whoo, win! I’ve got this. You have to do a glass for the next three shows. This is a great one.

John: I can do a lot of glass. Glencairn glass. It is THE scotch whiskey glass. Period. Uh, but you can serve bourbon and all these other things, but you’re kind of violating the rules. This is really a scotch glass, but it’s a classy-looking glass. It does. It’s not. It’s kind of stemless. It’s got kind of a foot.

Adam: Yeah, it has no stems, just a foot.

John:Just it’s like a tulip with a foot. Yes, and this is an excellent glass, and for scotch drinkers, I would recommend this. Uh, get a set of these. Uh, six. They have them everywhere. Everyone sells them. Amazon has them. You can go to this website I just cited, and they’re here and there. They can get pretty fancy.

Shop for the Glencairn glass on Amazon!

[No Agenda #1739]

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