The Jungle

The Jungle by Upton Sinclair

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Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle was mentioned by John Dvorak during NA #256. Dvorak said it’s a book that everyone has to read at least once in their lifetime. Written by a socialist writer, who later attempted to run for governor of California with a platform including the repeal of state sales tax. His campaign was derailed by members of the Hollywood community! Dvorak was puzzled how a socialists, progressives and Democrats in general, are now for adding taxes and not lowering them like they used to. Why are the democrats now for more intrusion into citizens lives?

The Jungle is considered a powerful indictment of capitalism unrestrained and the mistreatment of the American worker. The book is noted for it’s raw and gory descriptions of  working conditions in the Chicago meatpacking industry.

This edition is based on the original 1905 serial edition before it was streamlined for the 1906 commercially published edition.

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