Hot Pockets Tour Archive

New Mexico Meetup for Hot Pockets Tour 2009

Next No Agenda meet up SATURDAY Aug 18, 6:30 PM in Albuquerque, New Mexico!

Colorado Meetups! – Hot Pockets 2009

GLENWOOD SPRINGS NA MEET UP Monday, August 5th at 7:00 PM Glenwood Canyon Brewpub:

Hot Pocket 2009 Tour Update

During NA 428 Adam updated tour kickff info. Adam and Micky ended up having to go out and rent a trailer for the tour - so the tour is on!

Hot Pockets 2009 Update

During NA 414, Adam gave out some Hot Pockets 2009 Updates! The tour should begins the last week of July with a kickoff party in Austin, Texas then proceed north, through the rockies to Montana. The plan then is to head up to Canada then back down.