Hot Pockets 2009 Archive
Next No Agenda meet up SATURDAY Aug 18, 6:30 PM in Albuquerque, New Mexico!
Monday, August 5th at 7:00 PM
Glenwood Canyon Brewpub:
During NA 428 Adam updated tour kickff info. Adam and Micky ended up having to go out and rent a trailer for the tour - so the tour is on!
To create substitute programming for while Adam's is getting hitched in Gitmo LowLands. John is producing a show where No Agenda listeners can submit questions via email and John and Adam will answer in the show.
During NA 414, Adam gave out some Hot Pockets 2009 Updates!
The tour should begins the last week of July with a kickoff party in Austin, Texas then proceed north, through the rockies to Montana. The plan then is to head up to Canada then back down.
Adam and Mickey are thinking of hitting the road again. Of course, they’ll need an RV, so if you can loan them one – send’em a note! They’re starting to think of locations to visit in the beautiful US of A, where they can camp out and meet No Agenda listeners. [NA 394]