02 Sep 2010
Peter Luger Steak House
While John and Adam were discussing how they only use cash during NA 56, John mentioned Brooklyn's Peter Luger Steak House as an example of a business that only accepts cash.
28 Aug 2010
Daily Source Code 844
Daily Source Code Playlist - DSC 844 - 8/27/10 - Fubar Friday Edition!
26 Aug 2010
tech5 – August 24th, 2010
Samsung getting into Android Tablet biz. Dell starts selling Smartphone.
24 Aug 2010
DSC iPhone App
If you’re a fan of the Daily Source Code and have an iPhone, check out the DSC iPhone App!
22 Aug 2010
Eat Pray Barf
Hey Chick Flick fans! Adam got nudged into seeing the latest, hit chick-flick, Eat Pray Love. They are now marketing for these women longing to 'find themselves' via the Home Shopping Network.
21 Aug 2010
Modern Times
In No Agenda 221, Dvorak recommended Charlie Chaplin's classic movie, Modern Times.
21 Aug 2010
Eat Pray Love
Adam mentioned that he has to attend Eat Pray Love with Micky. It's the big chick flick of the summer . Adam then warned guys to go see Death Race 2 instead!
21 Aug 2010
Stonehouse Restaurant At San Ysidro Ranch
Adam spent a couple days in the Montecito area of Santa Barbara with Micky and some friends. While visiting, they dined at the extremely expensive Stonehouse Restaurant. Adam tried a Salmon dish which was a little too complicated with many flavors and the butternut squash soup was excellent. Overall the food was great but you
21 Aug 2010
Tracking Devices for Kids!
We tipped off Adam about these crazy tracking vests that are being deployed by a Richmond pre-school. Sounds like the teacher has to check the papers, check the papers a lot! Check out the story and video on KTVU.com
21 Aug 2010
Anchor Humming Ale
During NA 227, Dvorak mentioned his son is a beer geek and discovered this delicious, seasonal beer from Anchor called "Hummer".
18 Aug 2010
tech5 – August 18th, 2010
Dvorak is back from his two week hiatus and Michael Dell under attack from the shareholders.
18 Aug 2010
Daily Source Code 842
Daily Source Code Playlist DSC 842 - Live w/ Bobbi Eden! - 8/18/10
15 Aug 2010
I Am A Fugitive From A Chain Gang
During NA 226, Dvorak discussed the case of a young man that was sent to jail for exposing some exploits with Adobe software.
14 Aug 2010
Tyco Super Turbo Train w/ Daredevil Jump
I like comparing the theme song from this video clip with the one for SuperTrain!