27 Apr 2011
Thanks for the Mention!
During last Thursday's show (NA 297), John Dvorak brought up our website, NoAgendaEntertainment.com and gave a nice description of it and declared it a "beautiful website!"
26 Apr 2011
YouTube Copyright School
The cartoon characters of Happy Tree Friends were enlisted to make this instructional video to help instruct YouTube users the ins and outs of Copyright law and what is appropriate to post on YouTube. While playing the clip during NA 269, Adam sighed, “How sad is that!” He was in danger of going into a
20 Apr 2011
Atlas V Rocket Launch
During No Agenda #295, Adam brought up the upcoming Atlas V launch at nearby Vandenberg Air Force Base.
18 Apr 2011
The Borgias
Adam has a glowing review of The Borgias, which takes place in 1492 and dramatizes the characters and events surrounding Cardinal Borgia's take over of the papacy.
18 Apr 2011
Spider-Man Musical
During his birthday trip to NYC with his family, John C. Dvorak attended the Broadway musical of Spiderman which he disliked immensely.
17 Apr 2011
It was Dvorak's birthday so he and the family headed to New York City to celebrate! For a special birthday meal they dined at one of John's favorite NYC restaurants, Bouley.
17 Apr 2011
Bigger, Stronger, Faster
Recommended by Dvorak in NA #294; Bigger, Stronger, Faster, a documentary about steroid use by athletes.
31 Mar 2011
Vodka Tampons on The Doctors
Holy moly! Is this for real? “We’re trying to teach our kids creativity, but not like this!”
31 Mar 2011

Adam's been munching on these tasty Dutch, mini waffle cookies. Consisting of two, thin mini waffle layers sandwiching either a caramel or molasses-like spread.
19 Mar 2011
The Farhud
During NA 286, John Dvorak mentioned a book by a friend of his, The Farhud by Edwin Black. Adam said they've played clips of him before.
16 Mar 2011
Evergreen Supertanker Services
Who are you going to call if you need to protect your valuable human resources, neutralize things or change the weather? Why, you call the Evergreen Supertanker!
16 Mar 2011
Win: Dr. Frank I. Luntz

During NA 282, a clip was played featuring the author of Win, Dr. Frank Luntz.
16 Mar 2011
The Grand Chessboard
Former National Security Advisor, Zbignew Brzezinski's lays out his blueprint for US and global foreign policy in this book. Currently he advises Obama and some of his family is even in the Obama administration.
15 Mar 2011
Women Kiss Russian Policewomen
From RT comes this interesting story about an art groups kissing of female Russian police officers!
15 Mar 2011
Confessions of a Dangerous Mind
Dvorak was tracing back to the beginning of George Clooney's interest in spy intrigue movies and thought it was Confessions of a Dangerous Mind.
15 Mar 2011
Moonwalking with Einstein
During NA 285, Adam mentioned he was recently reading, "Moonwalking with Shakespeare". Ironically, the book is about memory and he remembered the title incorrectly!
15 Mar 2011
Keep it Wet, Keep it Lubricated
Learn how to make a lovely handle on your mug! Dvorak pulled this funny clip for NA 282.
27 Feb 2011
Wag The Dog
During NA 282, Adam said he was trying to find this movie on Netflix but it wasn't available! Maybe it was pulled because it is 'too close to home!'