Hawkins Cheezies for Cheezy Substrate

Hawkins Cheezies

No Agenda Producer Robert Majors sent John Dvorak a bag of Hawkins Cheezys. Think of it as Canadian Cheetos. It’s a terrific product and you can get them from Amazon. John says he hasn’t found them in a store.

John Dvorak: I want to thank Robert Majors for sending me a big, giant triple bag of Hawkins, which are also called Cheezys from Canada, through Amazon. It’s like a Cheetos. It’s like that extruded cheese thing that we make in this country, only it’s made with real cheddar.

Adam Curry: You mean like Cheetos?

John: Cheetos, yeah. Only the substrate, I don’t believe, is as good as the product that we get.

Adam: I love the term substrate! I think that should be used more often. Do people even know what substrate is anymore?

John: It’s the underlying architecture.

Adam: Yes, substrate. Fantastic word. Word of the day!

John: So these Hawkins, I guess they don’t advertise. I’ve been to Canada a lot, and I’ve never seen this product.

Adam: When was the last time you were in Canada?

John: Well, it was years ago, but besides the point, these Hawkins have been around forever…

Get these real cheddar Cheezies on Amazon.

[No Agenda #1749 2:11]

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