Flu Tip: Relenza

John Dvorak has often mentioned he keeps a stash of Tamiflu in case he’s somewhere and feels the symptoms of the flu coming on now he has a new flu fighter that he has used.

John: And it turns out to be relenza, which is the Tamiflu competitor.

Adam: Oh, really?

John: Relenza is the Tamiflu… It’s not cheap, by the way. It’s 100 bucks a prescription. I have a few. I always keep backed up.

Adam: Now, but you take it when you feel the onset or you take it?

John: Yeah, it’s just the same as Tamiflu. Only you breathe it in. It’s a powder. And it takes a little getting used to.

Adam: Do you snort it? Do you use it with a straw?

John: No, you breathe through your mouth. It’s a funny device you have. And you put it’s got a little thing. You pop the capsule and releases the powder and you breathe the powder in through into the lungs. And that’s how it works – It’s very inconvenient to use.

And it’s not very popular, but it’s very effective. It is, I think, is slightly more effective than Tamiflu, because Tamiflu is you when you take it, it’s a whole body phenomenon, whereas the Relenza goes right to the lungs, which is where the flu or any of these nfluenza type diseases, that’s where they reproduce. It just goes right after him. It’s a very good product.

Adam: So we should all get some Relenza? That’s what you’re saying?

John: I’m not a doctor!

[No Agenda #1747]

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