28 Nov 2010
Chemtrails over the Crackpot Command Center

Photo: Adam Curry - Creative Commons
Adam’s got a sore throat and he think’s it caused by the Chemtrails that he sees above his Hilltop Watchtower in the Hollywood Hills. He claims the Chemtrails drift down to his place and it’s making him sick. The Hilltop Watchtower is within close proximity of the Hollywood Reservoir, so anyone that drinks its water is getting the effect of the chemtrail poison.
This has been going on since 2005. I live right below the Sign, and I understand Adam’s frustration. I have been unwell since 6 months after the chemtrails began, over Beachwood Canyon.
The crows who used to drink from Lake Hollywood now come to my house, begging for fresh water. My neighbors are furious that I put out water ffor them, but since it’s NOT against the Law to feed and provide water for any kind of wild birds, I’m doing it, anyway. They are so thirsty, they go through 3 bowls of water a day. Also, many of the crows are suffering from deformities – something I’ve never seen before. Lesions on their wings, tumors on their legs. It’s painful to see. In my heart I truly believe the chemtrails are to blame for lots of the asthma, allergies, and many other health hazards people in our canyon are speaking about, in the past couple of years. And the bird population has gone down, significantly – even the crows.