Adam Curry’s Airstream Trailer
Adam is now the proud owner of a slick FlyingCloud Airstream trailer (FC 23D Corner bed), now dubbed, the Airstream of Conciousness He bought it because it looks pretty comfy and would be easier to travel with than a RV. The salesladies’ pitch that the loan interest is eligible as a home tax deduction sealed the deal! Adam took it out on a shake out cruise to Galveston then the inaugural, I Love Laundry tour through Colorado, Idaho, Texas, Utah and Wyoming. Post tour, Adam discovered some unpleasant things about the Airstream.
Thumbs down on Airstream quality!
Adam reported the Airstream of Consciousness has sloppy construction, “things aren’t centered.” cheap fans etc. And this is supposed to be a top-of-the-line RV compared to the crappy Raptors and Prowlers (which can also be pulled by Ford F-150) which he saw on the road.
[NA761 :12]