Tip of the Day: Peruvian Avocado

Peru Avocado
Peruvian Avocados

These might be tricky to find in a lot of places. John Dvorak often shops at Monterey Foods in Berkeley, CA. This market along with Berkeley Bowl, will have a dozen varieties (or more!) of each commodity.

John explains how select for optimum ripeness:

“Unlike the usual Hass avocados that you can check by firmness, Peruvian avocados are different. They’re always firmer than the usual avocados, even when ripe. If they feel soft, they’re overripe.

“It’s all about the color. The skin of a Peruvian avocado changes from green to black as it ripens. When it turns completely black but is still firm, that’s when it’s perfect. If it’s solid black with a little firmness, it’s at its peak”.

Adam asked if what if I wanted one to be ripe in two days?
John explained, “It’ll turn black with a little green, then eventually all black. There’s about a 2–3 day window when it’s all black and still firm. That’s when it’s ready”.

[No Agenda #1699]

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